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Sometimes a listening ear, prayer and Godly counsel is exactly all that any of us need in the moment.

Oftentimes, we give them food, or clothing, or make sure they have sufficient protection from the rain or danger. They may need medical care or emergency dental care, or transportation. They may need a notebook and pencil, or a laptop, or just a glass of clean water.


James 2:15-18 says "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes or daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” (or how about, just, “God bless you!”) but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?"


Luke 9:25 says “What does it matter for a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"


BOTH ARE TRUE!! Thank you for standing with us in both, making it possible through your love, prayers, and gifts, to have the opportunity to speak the Word of God in love, and to show the Word of God in action!


We’ve been working with some of these families for years. Others have only recently come into our lives. My prayer is that we will be able to see each one as He does, and to let Jesus love them through us, however He wants to! Sometimes that just means praying and trusting them into His care. More often it means much more...

The greatest blessing is when a parent, or even a child, tells us that their lives and their families are different now, first, because of coming to know JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR and LORD! They still have real problems and battles but because of Jesus they can face and overcome them. It means that, just like with you and me, they are learning to put Him first, to trust in THE ONE WHO really is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE!


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8428 E. Rosewood Street, Tuscon, AZ 85710

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